Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Servant of the LORD

The 23rd Psalm is one of the most well-known passages in the Bible. It is very comforting, beautiful, poetic, true. We all know it was written by David, who was known as "the man after God's own heart". I melt whenever I hear this description! How could a human be after God's own heart?

David's story is one of the most interesting you will ever read. Samuel anoints him king when he is a youth, even though there was already a king in Israel. But David was patient. He didn't jump up and try to seize the throne. He waited on God.

Later, before King Saul had even heard of him, he defeats the giant Goliath in perfect faith that God would do a great work in him. He ends up working as a general and harp-player for Saul - still waiting on God. He was very successful in everything he put his hand to, the people all loved him more than Saul, he was best friends with Saul's son, and he married Saul's daughter. But the king was becoming nervous... would the people make David king instead of him? He got it into his head to kill David, so David had to live as an outlaw. Where was God's promise? How could this happen to him? But did he throw in the towel? No! He trusted, prayed, wrote songs, and gathered followers. God did keep his promise, and David became king. God was with him every step of the way, and he went on to defeat many of Israel's enemies. David faced hardships beyond number, but he trusted God every step of the way. He wrote many Psalms and songs - some even prophesying about the coming of Jesus.

If my assumptions are correct, you are all rolling your eyes and going, "Yes, yes. I know all this. It's even in the Childrens' Bible I read to my little brother." But I encourage you to re-read and study all David's life in the Samuels - there is something new, interesting, and encouraging to read every time. Once I read a chronological Bible where I read something that happened to David, then I read the Psalm he wrote then. It was amazing, and I gained another reason to admire David - he was a writer through and through, and all of it was to God.

Study David! It will be a great experience - trust me!!!!

1 comment:

Pure Little Ladies Ministry said...

WAY awesome!!!

Thanks so much, girly pie!!
