Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bad Stuff in Good Stuff

I am cursed with only seeing the good part of an idea, event, situation, etc. If somebody new waltzes in with an idea, unless this person is under eight years old, I just jump right in. If somebody has something good to offer, I only see the good part of the idea and have no sense of the danger of it. I have decided that this is a BAD thing. It causes a lot of trouble. When people tell me the bad stuff in these things, I am always disappointed that there is always bad stuff in all the good things. It sounds bad when I say I should try to find the bad in things in the good things, but it is probably safer and less disappointing.

Except a lot of the time I know I'm right and I see the good thing in the thing and nobody else does, but I'm right. Sometimes even Biblically right! And then it makes me mad that nobody knows that I'm right - I mean gee whiz, it's in the Bible!:0 Do I tell them it's in the Bible or just let them go against the Bible? ARG! It's so annoying.

What on earth is the DEAL?

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