Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The latest thing I'm praying about...

My mom and some ladies of our church were talking about different parenting books the other night. There are a great many, as we all know. I was just listening and thinking, maybe I should read a parenting book. I'm not a parent, but I work with kids in babysitting and with my own sibs. But then I thought maybe a parenting book still wouldn't be quite right for such a job as mine. I made an aloud wonder about the fact that there are a great many "parenting" books, but no "big sissying" books. This was met with the response. "You should write it! That would be perfect and it would sell!"

Hmmmm...would it? One part of me says I don't know if it's something I could do. I'm sure there are much better big sissys than me that should be doing it. I'm positive. But the other part of me says, those ones aren't doing it. And God has given me the most diverse set of little siblings to ever stick in one family. I have...

A quirky and gorgeous one who's always good for a story
A studly and goofy one in between kid and man
A flibbertygibbet who can think and do cool things
A quiet and loud at the same time one
One that just wants to have fun
A strange, surprising, cocky, and cute one
A precious baby girl with some bite
A small and serious one with a large vocabulary

The biggest thing I've learned with having eight, very different little sibs is how to generally get along with everybody. Living with such different personalities all the time I think has really helped me not just learn to get along with them, but with other different personalities outside the home.
I may just have to figure out how to transfer that from this thought, to like a big sissy study. If I did this thing I'd certainly need some help from my big sissy friends! Not to mention I have an adopted big sissy who's purty special to go off of a bit as well.

Just something I'm praying about...

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