Friday, February 20, 2009

What do I do?

What do I do?
I write... things.
I like to write some fantasy.
I like to write some sports analysis.
I like to write some modern-day stories,
with a sprinkle of fan fiction on top.
I like to write what God tells me to write,
and I have everything I need to do it.

But right now God is not giving me anything.
And I suspect it has something to do with me.

I haven't been writing lately at all.
Tired, uninspired, for stupid reasons.
Do I have any talent in the first place?
Why do I feel pressure to achieve a certain word count when there is no deadline or prize whatsoever and NOBODY said that it's a must?
Do I have the people I need behind me?

What is going to come of all this I put into it anyway?
Probably nothing.
Every author dreams of getting published.
I dream of finding a style of writing I can stay sharp and not get distracted with.
I guess it's up to God,
but I doubt stores will ever carry a novel of mine.
Just because I can't stick it.
My plot doesn't work.

Everything's already been done.
I don't have the time.
Nobody cares anyway.

So why do I have to keep loving it?
That's the part that gets on my nerves.
Why did God pick me to write things?
If he's gonna pick me, why can't he give me something to go with that will ACCOMPLISH something?

From what it looks like now, I'm gonna be one of those fantasy geeks with a zillion short stories in files on my computer forever.
Those files that no one wants.
The files that can't ever be anything.
I stink.


Anonymous said...

I think you are VERY good at it. I think you should write childrens books about dragons and knights and chivalry type things.

I am behind you and beside you. Even if I get grumpy with you sometimes. :-)

I love you sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww....what a sweet-o dad you have!! ^_^

And don't fret, you ain't the only one who doesn't finish writing what they start...I'm one of the number. =P Ky's always saying that I should dump everything and for "cryin' out loud, FINISH a book!" lol