Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Glory of the LORD

Not a lot in Leviticus today - instructions about offerings, priests, etc. But there was one really amazing part.
Once the priests were ready to begin their ministry, Moses told them to sacrifice offerings "for today the LORD will appear to you". WHOA!!!! They got ready - they made every offering, did everything they were supposed to do, and the people watched. Then after this was done, the glory of the LORD appeared before everybody and fire came down and consumed the offerings! And the people's reaction really got me - "they shouted for joy and fell facedown". The fall facedown you see numerous times in the Bible, but shouting for joy? Wow!
Sometimes I just yell with excitement in God too, and it's always an amazing feeling! Sometimes when I find something amazing in the Bible, I just whoop. Sometimes in the worship services when I get a little excited and joyful in Christ, I sing as loud as I can (it's good that I don't have a microphone for more than one reason:P). I thought it was just me before this, but now all Israel is doing it in Leviticus! Whoo!
Let's shout everybody!!:D

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