Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Sunday Morning

I dreamed it was a morning,
on a chilly Sunday day.
Our small church doors were open
and nothing stood in the way.
There were throngs of joyful people,
and instead of empty pews
there were rows and rows of brothers,
all eager to hear the Good News.
I stood behind the keyboard
for the worship team, amazed
to see that every seat was filled,
and no one stayed away.
We started to make music
our style and songs the same.
Everyone got to their feet
and praised God's holy name.
They raised their hands, they sang aloud.
All stood straight and tall and proud.
Our performance wasn't perfect,
and the drums did not keep time.
The keyboard chords were not in key
and some songs did not rhyme.
But on this special Sunday,
nobody seemed to mind.
They all just sang their hearts to God,
and to our mistakes were blind.
When I woke up I praised the LORD,
then after remembered the day.
It is just a Tuesday morning
after an empty-pewed Sunday.
Must I go back to church next week
to see more plastic people,
all dressed up with judging eyes
under a plastic steeple?
LORD, save our church and let there be
a crowded place that all can see.
Make us excited, light the fire!
For You can see - our need is dire.

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