Thursday, October 30, 2008

Outreach Musings

Our church has been working on many outreach projects lately, but I am quite confused. I guess I just don't get the concept. What I don't understand is this: why is it that when we plan an outreach or some form of church event... we do not expect anything to happen?

Our church has 40 people in attendance on a Sunday service on a good day... and getting smaller by the week. We hire more ministry staff, we send a missionary out, we plan Harvest Festivals, Movie Nights, and other fun stuff hoping to... draw more people into church I guess. But nobody expects anything to happen. There is always a problem with the performance, there is always something that won't go right, nobody's probably gonna be there, etc.

Maybe all that's true. But the way I see it is this:

If God is leading us as a church family to start a weekly movie night or a youth ministry, isn't his job to make sure somebody shows up if he wants somebody to show up? And isn't God capable of getting anything he wants to get done done? When you think about it, (or I guess when I think about it) we don't even have a right to estimate how many people will come! It's whatever God wants to happen. I think we should just prepare to let the fire fall and prepare every seat for however many people God wants to stuff into AHBC!!!

Why do we think nothing will happen if this was God's idea to begin with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you misunderstand me. I am not sure why you think that I believe that "nothing" will happen. Are you saying that because I don't go buy the equipment and I said we'd wait and see?

I can see that.

Do you think youth ministry is from the Lord? Do you think Movie Night is from the Lord? I would say that I am not sure. Sometimes us old folks get skeptical I would say. Have you heard the song "What this World Needs"? It says that we might be getting in the way of Jesus. Maybe my unbelief is inhibiting the spirit from working. Perhaps you are right, we should expect God to work and bring whom He would have there.

I'll try to put forth a more faithful effort.

Just be aware, that while you sit there and question it, you are also held accountable to faithful activities that God has revealed to you. I haven't heard you (lately) confess to some of your actions that should bear fruit...but don't. Wisdom isn't only just saying "why don't others?" But also applying what you've learned to your own life.

It's good to ask the questions. However, you are also accountable to uphold the truth that was revealed to you in the past and in things that aggrevate you.