Monday, March 1, 2010

All the Blessings of Life

I got this book for my Christmas :D It is called, All the Blessings of Life: The Best Stories of F.W. Boreham. Not too deep, never that shallow, always random, it is a buch of little snippets from his books and journals and such, just about a couple paragraphs each usually. This fact makes it the best book to have on the back of the toilet EVER. It gives you something to think about, but not TOO much to where you'd rather not have to mentally shovel through it just at that moment in the bathroom. Very good so far :D

The bit I read today was a little longer. It talked about a clean conscience and how it relates to sleep. Quite amusingly interesting. Boreham talked about the book Les Miserables, where Jean Valjean was robbing the good bishop whose house he was staying at. As he was creeping around and about to leave, he spotted the bishop sleeping. He quoted the book as saying, "The moral world has no greater spectacle than this, a troubled, restless conscience, which is on the point of commiting a bad action, contemplating the sleep of a just man". Then he talked about a scene in English history, when the Earl of Argyle was about to be executed. One of the traitor lords came up to the prison and asked to see his lordship. The man was sleeping peacefully, as if he didn't mind that he was going to be killed at all. The conscience of the traitor smote him and he ran out home to his family, saying, "I have been to Argyle's prison. I have seen him, within an hour of eternity, sleeping as sweetly as ever a man did! But as for me..."

Boreham wraps up his thought by saying, "(the church) has excelled in the production of heroic and magnificent sleepers. That is why I insist that every candidate for her membership should be searchingly questioned as to his ability to sleep."

Heeheehee! I found this interesting :)

1 comment:

your dad said...

2 things: 1. TMI regarding what you do in, on, or around the toilet.
2. Yes, that's funny. But, I seem to recall scripture relating to peaceful sleep in Proverbs, I think.