Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thoughts on reading through the Bible in 90 days

It was a wild ride! Most days I would start reading in the morning and slowly tackle bits of it through the day and finish it all up at night. There were days when I fell behind, and when you fall behind, it takes a looooooooooooong time to catch back up! :P The best thing about it was that, no matter what passage anybody brought up at church or whenever, I was able to do, "Oh yeah, I just read that" and everything was fresh on my mind. (That being said, it's a lot to have on your mind ;) ) Also, of course, I can now say I read through the Bible in 90 days and that's fun :) Most of the time the reading was fun to do as well, except of course when the days reading is 15 chapters of Numbers :P All this said, here are the bad things about it:

Everything was at the speed of light - no time to think deeply about anything before BANG! You're in the next book of the Bible. And once you start, there's no turning back! It's impossible! Once you have that reading plan in your favorites online it's always there wanting you to come back! Also, with all the reading there is to do, it is oftentimes hard to see it as time with the LORD, as opposed to assigned homework or something of the like. I really had to work hard emotionally to keep my head where it was supposed to be. Toward the end I finally got into a groove of reading half during the day to get it done, and then taking some time on the last half at night for some more study and talking to God. If you're going to take this on, do it this way :)

All things considered, it was a big challenge with not a whole lot to show at the end of it. Though I can't really say this, because who knows? Maybe God trekked me through it because I'll need the experience for...something. Or maybe he cleared out some things in my heart I'm not aware of, or just used it opened a door to make space for something He'll put in my life at some time. So, I shall end with this:

Read through the Bible in 90 days if God tells you to do it :)

1 comment:

Your Dad said...

I think you are incorrect in your assumption that you didn't glean anything from it. Just like you even said, you were able to say, "Hey I just read that"..Also, having the whole Bible that fresh in your head can help you piece things together. For example, knowing that Artaxerxes was Xerxes son...who was married to Esther. Artaxerxes had a servant named Ezra...whom he sent back to Israel to re-establish the Jews. With gold, etc. Esther...where do we know that name? All that probably just snaps together for you.

God's word does not return void. Only if you view the time as wasted in reading His word, will it be a waste. Savor what you've accomplished and see if it fails you.