"The people of Israel have done nothing but provoke me with what their hands have made, declares the LORD."
In this verse in Jeremiah, we assume that God is talking about the idols the Israelites have made. But what if it is more? The Israelites surely made lots of things not idol-wise that served to provoke the LORD.
Our pastor recently finished a series on glorifying God. He pointed out that EVERY SINGLE THING we EVER do must be done to glorify God. Obviously, the Israelites weren't even thinking of God with anything they did.
How often do we do the same thing? How often do we do things for the approval of people or just for ourselves? I know with a lot of those normal day-to-day things I don't think about what God would think about this thing I was doing. But I don't want to provoke him with what I do - I want to glorify him!
I don't guess that made a lot of sense to anybody except me:Z