The day I first found out we were moving, I was laying in bed thinking how sad leaving our friends and life in CO. I didn't want to fall asleep thinking things like that, so I pulled out a pad and started to write whatever. Turns out, I wrote a scene in which all of my friends from Arkansas and Colorado were altogether with Jesus in heaven. Jesus kicked the angels off the instruments and let us play them and everybody sang and couldn't stop smiling. After all, what was there to stop smiling about? Even Jesus missed a few high notes here and there, and everyone laughed just for the heck of it. Nobody really could think of a reason to stop the singing and talking and laughing until Jesus banged a pot and called everybody outside to His big big yard to play some football!
It sounded like so much fun, and God's been pressing on me lately that just like I will move away, I will someday move to heaven. I had some preconceived notions about heaven at one point in my life like a lot of people have - won't it get boring after a while? But I'm learning that heaven is our number one thing to look forward to! God didn't invent boredom - he invented everything fun and good!
And now, let me hype up the band Foolish Things. They are Colorado natives that broke up as a band a couple of years ago, but their music is AMAZING. It's not the type of music that sticks in your head as your favorite song - it's the type of music that pops up during the hard times in your life and comforts you. Here is the song, "It's Not Home" from their CD, LET'S NOT FORGET THE STORY which is my theme song for the moment.
Time is like a grain of sand on the beaches of eternity
but we're here toiling, planning
like we'll never leave
I know your fire is coming
What will stand the flames?
Will your return find me running
or blind and lame?
I've gotta say that I've lived too many days like I belong here
It's not home
I'm shocked to see the measure
of where I've been storing treasure
It's not home
The question's calling louder
"Who do you believe?"
and the answer lies upon the things to which we cleave
I know you're gone ahead
to build a place for me
so I'll trust the things you said
Trust though I can't see
I've gotta say that I've lived too many days like I belong here
It's not home
I'm shocked to see the measure
of where I've been storing treasure
It's not home
Have we believed the fiction
authored by the world's depiction
of how it is?
Let's not forget the story
we're living for his glory now
You laid it down for me
So I lay it down for you
I've gotta say that I've lived too many days like I belong here
It's not home
I'm shocked to see the measure of where I've been storing treasure
It's not home
I'm not home here
It's not my home