Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's Going On?

I was talking to a dear friend the other day and we were both venting our frustrations about one thing - relationships. We were disappointed in the way some of the girls we knew were behaving with the opposite sex. They started out saying they would never hold hands with a guy before engagement, marriage, etc. As soon as they got into a relationship, holding hands was no big deal. Ok, so maybe holding hands is cool now and then, but no kissing until the wedding day, right? Kissing became fine for every once in awhile as soon as they had a guy that had stuck with them for a good bit. My friend and I were annoyed - how could this happen to our friends? The big questions were:

"What's become of their beliefs?"
In many instances, the great plans for purity were not just the girl's own personal hope - it was a family belief.

"Where are their fathers?"

"Where do you draw the line?"

We all know it - this topic is a controversial one. Everyone has their own idea of how a relationship should go while technically staying pure. But what have you done in your heart with this guy? Is this the knight you've been waiting for? Girls, flippant dating is DANGEROUS!

Now, I am not saying that men are a bad lot. I'm not saying that all those dudes are waiting in a corner to snatch you, and I'm definitely not saying that it's bad to be friends with a guy. I am friends with lots of guys and many are good friends! But how do we stay out of the dark waters that your girlfriends are taking a swim in?

I believe there is a simple answer - YOUR DAD. In fact, I think I'll be single forever for two reasons: First, if a guy's interested in me, he's probably a dork and hence not worth having forever. And second, even if he's got half a mind in there, he will not make it past my dad in one piece!:D Your dad can protect you from the scary flippant dating until your knight knocks on the door. And how will he know when it is him? Ummm... hey, it's Dad's job, not mine!:P But pray for your dad, that he will make the best decisions as you get older - unfortunately not like some dads I know. I'm sure happy I have a dad to run behind while sticking out my tongue at some unfortunate evildoer, if ever the need arises!

Oh yeah girls, and about this knight... if God wants you to be married, I promise he's out there somewhere. And he's worth waiting for! You don't have to settle for less.

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