Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Heads Held High

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high.
~ Leviticus 26:13

The Israelites were being oppressed and enslaved by the Egyptians, but God miraculously freed them. You may not be a slave to people, but what ARE you enslaved by? Jealousy? Temptation? Feelings? A sin that won't go away? Maybe all these things. I find I'm enslaved by little bitty sneaky things and don't know it until it grows and goes on and on - then it's harder to beat. But the good thing is... we don't have to beat it alone! It is much easier to talk to Jesus about your slavery than to try and free yourself (it worked for the Israelites didn't it?)

Ready to walk with your head held high?

1 comment:

Pure Little Ladies Ministry said...

Love that verse!!

Thanks for the comment girlypie! I tried calling you a couple days ago...okay so maybe its been over a week by now. lol ;) But I've been soooo busy, not a good excuse but my brother's in the hospital with a bleeding lung, my great grandpa's dying, and I've been travling sooo much, stressin' out about PLLM and oh the list goes on. I've been thining about you and praying for you though. Hope all's well with you- I really really really hope we can talk soon!!!