Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Don't ya just love those guys?

I just went to one of the many shows the Apostles of Comedy put on. They are a group of hilarious Christian guys that give people clean laughs as a ministry. They all gave neat testimonies and shared their faith - especially Brad Stine. When it got to his act, I realized that these men were just funny evangelists. His whole act was pretty preachy and great. He talked a lot about what America has become. He said America is better than all the other countries in the world - and better does not mean superior. He said that Christians started this country and made it great, and now we have degressed to where people are trying to make our faith illegal. He was bold about it. "I am NOT going to go quietly! I am NOT going to give this country up without a fight!"

They talked about the media - about how TV and Internet and all that basically raise our kids. So why does the church step out of it? "The secular media should be asking us how on earth we do it so well."

Don't you just love the guys who will stand up in front of 1600 people and scream about how America is falling even deeper into sin and point out how we are doing nothing about it? They used laughs (something everybody loves) to share their faith. I just love it when people share their faith like that and not worry about offending people, maybe because I don't do it enough myself. "Christianity is a religion of inconvenience." All this to say, it was a hilarious and most inspiring experience. God bless the Apostles of Comedy!!!

Oh, and another great quote from Brad Stine on the whole evolution story that dominates America today: "Once upon a time, there was nothing.

Then it blew up."

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