Sunday, April 5, 2009

Were you ever confused about this one?

Did you ever wonder why the people in Jerusalem cheered and welcomed Jesus with a parade, then shouted "crucify him!" at his trial? I certainly have. Our pastor had an interesting idea about it this morning - when Jesus was standing there all beaten up by the Romans (who he was supposed to conquer by the sword) the people were shocked! The Messiah would never have that happen to him! He was supposed to whoop up on the Romans! He was a phony! I might have felt a little betrayed too - I tend to put a lot of faith into people when they know something's expected of them. So they were happy when he came, but when they found out that he was a "fake" they were furious!

Anyhoo, I think this is plausible, but apparently our dear pastor is the only one who ever thunk of this... :)

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