Thursday, July 31, 2008

Songs of Praise in a Song of Praise

Right here in this moment take my heart, take my soul.
I surrender everything to your control.
And let all that is within me
Lift up to you and say,
"I am Yours and Yours alone completely".
And I'm on fire when You're near me.
I'm on fire when You speak.
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries.
Be my light in this darkened room.
I'm on my face and I'm calling You.
I can's fathom all You've done for me.
Every time it finds me on my knees
Like sunlight in the winter cold.
Everything about You
It takes my breath away
Why in the world did you come after me?
Thank you, thank you.
Words aren't enough, but for now I can say
Thank you, thank you.
You consume me, you consume me
Like a burning flame running through my veins
You consume me moving through me
Anytime, anyplace you invade my space
You consume me.
Wholly devoted I immerse myself in you
Baptize me in your love
Cause drowning in the thought of you
Floods my soul
I’m taken by the things you do.
God, you know it doesn’t matter what I lose
I’m yours
I'm here again a thousand miles away from you
A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am
I tried so hard, thought I could do this on my own
I've lost so much along the way
It must be different through your eyes,
because You look at me
like it's the first time You've ever seen my face
And all I see, it could never make me happy
And all my sandcastles spend their time collapsing.
Let me know that You hear me.
Let me know Your touch.
Let me know that You love me
and let that be enough.
I was made to love You,
I was made to find You.
I was made just for You,
made to adore You.
You were here before me.
You were waiting on me,
and You said You'd keep me,
never would you leave me
I was made to love and be loved by You
I know that I'll never be alone
You will never let me go
You are my anchor
hold my hand while I'm sinking in the sand
no one else could understand
You are my anchor
Then I'll see your face
I know I'm finally yours
I find everything I thought I lost before
You call my name
I come to you in pieces
So you can make me whole

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah...I know what you mean.